Friday, December 13, 2013

5th Meeting: Presov - Slovakia

I heard a lot about this meeting too... I wasn't there, but as I've already said I have my sources!!! So, what did I learn?  
The hospitality was excellent and the organization also. Everybody enjoyed the old friendships as well as meeting new people. The students' works pleased and impressed there teachers!
Finaly, I felt a bit sad for not being there but I also felt very pleased and proud as everybody who is working for the realization of the Program. 
We are all thankfull to the slovakian group and mostly 
to the heart of the slovakian meeting: Eva.  
Maria from Greece 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Interesting website about future EU’s smart cities!

Elena wrote: "I have found a vey interesting EU website that speaks about actual strategies for future EU’s smart cities. Could i t be useful for our project? I think it could:

Shall I share it over the blog? Could it be nice to share it during our classes to have a “real” touch about how cities will be in EU?"

Visit the site and maybe there can be a discussion about it. 

Have a nice time everybody
Greetings from Greece

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Paul Romer

Hello students and teachers,
I wanted to show you a Ted of Paul Romer, an American economist.
I think that The various matters that Paul faces can help us to get closer to Euroharmony.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Brochure - Last Instructions!

Remember everyone, at the meeting in Slovakia the work on the brochure should be completed.
That's why read the following very carefully!

> we must send to Eva all the material (points 1-8) until 30 October,

> the information must be send as a Word document as well as a Pdf document,
> the size of the document may not exceed 10 pages (Α4 - font: Times New Roman - size of the font: 12)
   (these 10 pages include text and images)

Let's work!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Planning the utopian ideal European city…

How do we imagine the ideal European city? Which are our priorities? There has been a very constructive discussion during the Meeting in Izmit in which Michele Penelon presented some very interesting ideas. Here are different approaches which can be studied during our efforts to describe our utopian ideal European city:
1)      Imagine how to improve the relationship between people in the same city…
2)      How to reconcile all religions in the same city? In the same area?
3)      How will our children learn? In a school? At home? With a teacher?
4)      What will look like the streets?
5)      How can we save more energy?
6)      What are the most ecological transports between cities (people and fret)?
7)      What are the future ways to move in the ideal city?
8)      How will be our waste and rubbish manage?
9)      The ideal building…
10)  The ideal home (flat)…
11)  Culture, entertainment and sports (equipments)…
12)  We use more and more water, how can we save it?
13)  In the future how will we purchase food and goods?
14)  Art in the city: how can we include art in the city streets/parks?
15)  Communication: how should we communicate? Languages? (interactive tablets, skype etc)
Every country-partner will present a plan of the ideal European city according to its priorities (in a PPT file) during the Meeting in Greece, from 19th to 24th of January 2014. These ideas will be collected with the aim of obtaining a common Plan of our utopian ideal European city which will be realized at the Meeting in France.
If something is wrongly worded above, please send your comments.

4th Meeting: Izmit – Turkey

As we keep working together, communicating and exchanging ideas, it becomes more and more joyful meeting each other, but also becomes increasingly sad to split up after the meetings…  The Turkish hospitality was excellent as expected and the organization of the activities was really exemplary.

Nail was always there, from our arrival till our departure, as well as Mustafa, making sure every detail of our stay and the works of the meeting.

We thank them, from our hearts!!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

A good opportunity to exchange views!

Elena Radaelli writes: “I have watched a very interesting video on (see link below) in which George Papandreou speaks about a really European democracy without borders. Starting form the Greek and European crisis he gets to the ideal but necessary urgency to re-build Europe creating it through a democracy without borders. I think this could be posted in our official website and also in the blog so that students can discuss it throughout this summer and then they can activate with us as moderators a nice exchange of opinions in view of our EUROHARMONY CITY.”

Since this is a really good opportunity to exchange views and shape the vision of our Euroharmony city you may see the video here and make your comments!

Have a nice summer everybody

Many Greetings from Greece!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

3rd Meeting: Plock - Impressions from Poland

The third meeting of our Programm has been occured in Plock-Poland from 2 to 7 june 2013. You can find a short description of the meeting as well as student's presentations and video in our site, at the page of the meeting: (3) Plock-Poland

But beyond that I 'd like to share with everyone Alessandro's impressions and thoughts, without any other introduction. Alessandro is the teacher of the spanish language in the italian school: "Instituto San Vincenzo - Scuole Regina Mundi" and we simply thank him for this text...


       I’ve been lucky in my life since I was a child. My father has taken me and my brothers to different places in the world. It is probably because of him that I like travelling so much. I love every travel I do, I love every city I visit. Because every time I travel I learn something. And it’s not about notions or dates or facts. This kind of things can be learned on books. What I learn everywhere is something deeper.

       For example Warsaw taught me that there is always hope. They can destroy your house, your city, your belonging but inside yourself you can always find the strength to go on.

       Płock taught me that the past is fundamental if you want to build future.

       Gdańsk and Sopot taught me that you can find beauty simply looking at a house, a street or the sea when it’s cold.

       And you guys, you taught me that you are never too old to have fun, to dance in ridiculous ways or to sing. And for this reason I really want to thank you.

       Let me say goodbye to you giving you some advice. It’s the same advice I give to my students in Italy. There was a man, you should know him, that he was called John Paul II that once said “take your life and make a masterpiece of it”. What does it mean? It means simply live your life. We got only one life and we don’t have to waste it. So we have to live it. Don’t be scared of life because it can be scary, of course, but it is really beautiful. So live your life.

       And another advice I give you is “Fall in love”.  Fall in love with everything. Fall in love with what you do. Fall in love with your city and above all fall in love with someone. Look in the eyes of your girlfriend and say “I love you”. Look in the eyes of your boyfriend and say “I love you”. Don’t be afraid of showing your feelings. It’s better regretting to have done something than regretting not to have done it at all. So fall in love. I’m getting married in a few months and my girlfriend is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. 

Fall in love guys. This is my last advice.

       And remember, my friends, if it happens that you pass by Milan, my house has always a bed for you.

Alessandro Scaglione.