Saturday, March 29, 2014

About Europe, Harmony and the Utopia of the European citizens...

Marivi Gimbel, a teacher from the spanish school: IES Leon Felipe sent us this excellent text. Read it...


       European man has been to project themselves tirelessly for a world and a city
                    always on the horizon unattainable.
                                                                      María Zambrano

       THE UTOPIA: an European citizens' project reconciled under the condition of peace.

                 We have a dream : towards building a world of people "above"
                        nationalities and historical differences.

We must imagine a future Europeharmony which will serve as an ideal and will engage us in its effective realization. So, we could discern the possibility of a kind of agora, full of people and words, walkable space, where we will incorporate the great cultural, artistic and political achievements which form our western traditions, in order to survive and not to be canceled because of economic imperatives, making them to be mere objects of comsumption.

The nice word Harmony is a Pythagorean concept (it comes from Greek pre-Socratic philosophers) who express the order, proportion and balance of the parties: beauty or perfection arising from a different or multiple unit, meaning world or universe (harmonia tou kosmou) versus chaos or disorganized diversity. The idea of harmony refers to the conjunction of being different, the aesthetic actual meeting, which is the beginning of integration and it is represented by music and numbers.

We may see that harmony carried out in social terms, a union of people rather than states. An Europe that could be born again, like a phoenix, from the ashes and masks, to avoid being kidnapped by Zeus, as it was, according to the mythological legend, but activated by moral and intellectual experiences from every conflicting action, combining and preserving our identity signals.

Put our wishes and wills in creating EUROPEHARMONY.

                                    When I came
                Into my parlour and sat down, and took my pen to write,
                              My Fairy sat upon the table,
                                 And dictated EUROPE.
W. Blake