Sunday, October 6, 2013

Planning the utopian ideal European city…

How do we imagine the ideal European city? Which are our priorities? There has been a very constructive discussion during the Meeting in Izmit in which Michele Penelon presented some very interesting ideas. Here are different approaches which can be studied during our efforts to describe our utopian ideal European city:
1)      Imagine how to improve the relationship between people in the same city…
2)      How to reconcile all religions in the same city? In the same area?
3)      How will our children learn? In a school? At home? With a teacher?
4)      What will look like the streets?
5)      How can we save more energy?
6)      What are the most ecological transports between cities (people and fret)?
7)      What are the future ways to move in the ideal city?
8)      How will be our waste and rubbish manage?
9)      The ideal building…
10)  The ideal home (flat)…
11)  Culture, entertainment and sports (equipments)…
12)  We use more and more water, how can we save it?
13)  In the future how will we purchase food and goods?
14)  Art in the city: how can we include art in the city streets/parks?
15)  Communication: how should we communicate? Languages? (interactive tablets, skype etc)
Every country-partner will present a plan of the ideal European city according to its priorities (in a PPT file) during the Meeting in Greece, from 19th to 24th of January 2014. These ideas will be collected with the aim of obtaining a common Plan of our utopian ideal European city which will be realized at the Meeting in France.
If something is wrongly worded above, please send your comments.

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